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Get the most interesting and important stories from the University of Pittsburgh.Concierge Program Aims to Model Healthy Behaviors
As students, faculty and staff return to campus, adherence to health rules is more critical than ever. To help protect the health and safety of all members of the Pitt community, the University has initiated a Building Safety Concierge Program, part of its Pandemic Safety Network.
The program will station Building Safety Concierge—employee volunteers and student workers with support from access control employees—at designated building entrances to convey information, reinforce safety protocols, report incidents of non-compliance and model established safety behaviors.
“The Pitt community continues to come together in supporting safe and resilient operations. Our new Building Safety Concierge initiative expands this critical support,” said David DeJong, acting senior vice chancellor for Business and Operations and vice chancellor of Human Resources.
Pro tips
Pitt students, staff and faculty need their Pitt IDs when entering facilities.
Remember to wear a face covering when you’re entering all campus buildings.
Maintain physical distance of 6 feet between yourself and others at all times.
- Observe directional, occupancy, elevator and seating signage throughout buildings.
Supported by the offices of Public Safety and Emergency Management and Environmental Health and Safety, concierge locations will be established across all University campuses. On the Pittsburgh campus, approximately 30 stations will be established, staffed by employee volunteers and student workers for two-hour shifts; total stations across all campuses could total 60 or more.
Concierge stations will be equipped with Pitt ID card readers, temperature scanners, work tables protected by Plexiglas screens and hand sanitizing units, as well as stocked with disposable face coverings and program literature.
Stations begin operating on Monday, Aug. 24, with faculty and staff volunteers serving at a small number of stations beginning Monday, Sept. 7 and more broadly across campus beginning Sept. 14. Concierge providers will be located at designated campus locations on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Training will be provided for all employee volunteers, student workers and access control employees; information on safety measures that will be in place to protect concierge providers will be included.
“As we unite in this mission, we encourage staff and faculty to volunteer their time as Building Safety Concierge Providers, strengthening our Pandemic Safety Network,” said DeJong.
To register, visit the //outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/BuildingSafetyConciergeProgramVolunteerScheduler1 [at] pitt.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/">Volunteer Scheduler online.
Students can apply for paid positions online: