Features & Articles

This high school student is sewing a quilt inspired by her research in Pitt’s August Wilson Archive

Maria McDill, an August Wilson Archive Student Research Awardee, received mentorship and a stipend to support her project.

11,423 donors raised $3.26M for vital University initiatives on Pitt Day of Giving

The daylong fundraising sprint will support scholarships, research, academic programs, student organizations, athletics and more across Pitt’s campuses.

Pitt leaders testified on the University’s role in contributing to PA’s future

On Feb. 19, students and administrators shared the value of a Pitt education with the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s Performance-Based Funding Council.

This newly expanded Pitt program is building a community-engaged campus police department

The Police Development Program is reducing the barrier to entry for law enforcement professions by providing free state certification, housing and a stipend.

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